Assistant Professor, Stonehill College
ECO 176: Microeconomic Principles
ECO 178: Macroeconomic Principles
ECO 303: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Assistant Professor, Eastern Connecticut State University
ECO 200: Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 201: Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 302: Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
ECO 325: Money and Banking
FIN 445: Case Studies in Financial Management
FYI 100: Video Games and Economics
HON 380: Directed Honors Research
Instructor, Cornell Prison Education Program (CPEP)
Econ 201: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Fall 2017.
Teaching Assistant, Cornell University
Econ 4902: Banks, Prof. Nicholas Kiefer, Spring 2019.
Econ 4905: Financial Fragility and the Macroeconomy, Prof. Karl Shell, Fall 2017, Fall 2018.
Econ 6170: Intermediate Mathematical Economics I, Prof. Aleksandra Lukina, Fall 2018.
Econ 4020: Game Theory, Prof. Tommaso Denti, Spring 2018.
Econ 3040: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Prof. Chrisptopher Huckfeldt, Fall 2017.
Econ 1120: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Prof. Jennifer Wissink, Spring 2014, Spring 2017.
Econ 3040: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Prof. Julieta Caunedo, Fall 2016.
Econ 1110: Introduction to Microeconomics, Prof. Jennifer Wissink, Spring 2015.
Econ 6170 Intermediate Mathematical Economics I, Prof. Tapan Mitra, Fall 2013, Fall 2014.